Abrazzo: Embracing Seniors Living Solutions
Making The Right Choice Starts with Education About Options
With the vast array of housing options available throughout the Twin Cities, knowing what is the right fit for you or your loved one can be difficult. Abrazzo has an in-depth knowledge of local resources and supportive services available to draw upon creating a team approach that will be there every step of the way. Trusted advice, education and support when you need it most.
Making The Right Choice Starts with Education About Options
With the vast array of housing options available throughout the Twin Cities, knowing what is the right fit for you or your loved one can be difficult. Abrazzo has an in-depth knowledge of local resources and supportive services available to draw upon creating a team approach that will be there every step of the way. Trusted advice, education and support when you need it most.
Your Situation is Unique to You
Abrazzo exceeds expectations by meeting with each individual and their family to build an accurate picture of the unique lifestyle, services and support their loved one needs. After our initial meeting, we will match them with communities and providers, creating a personalized and strategic plan that best fits their individuality.
Wendy Reinhard, Founder of Abrazzo, knows that no two people have the same senior living and care requirements. With over 16 years of industry experience, Abrazzo is an invaluable resource when dealing with the complexities associated with senior living and care.
Your Situation is Unique to You
Abrazzo exceeds expectations by meeting with each individual and their family to build an accurate picture of the unique lifestyle, services and support their loved one needs. After our initial meeting, we will match them with communities and providers, creating a personalized and strategic plan that best fits their individuality.
Wendy Reinhard, Founder of Abrazzo, knows that no two people have the same senior living and care requirements. With over 16 years of industry experience, Abrazzo is an invaluable resource when dealing with the complexities associated with senior living and care.
“Thanks to you, Wendy, for taking me to appointments, searching out places where I might settle and most of all for helping the movers find things that I might use in my new place & actually move me when I was too frozen & too much in a daze to do anything myself, I am so happy where I live now.”